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Bradford hospital’s message over cars overhanging pavements

Drivers have been urged to park responsibly at Bradford’s hospitals after photos emerged of cars overhanging the pavements.


The hospital trust responded to concerns over the way some drivers left their vehicles in St Luke’s Hospital car park.

It meant the obstructed paths would not be spacious enough for anyone using a wheelchair or pram.

Bradford driving instructor Ayub Khan said: “With more and more cars on the road, this has an impact on where and how we park. Parking is at a premium and how we park has a direct reflection on how we show our care for others.


“Please consider people who use walking aids and mobility scooters and wheelchair users are vulnerable. Please be aware the impact you’re having by overhanging the pavement and blocking the way.”

Sharing his advice, he said: “Don’t let your drivers door mirror overhang the pavement. If the pavement is under the drivers door mirror, you’re overhanging the pavement and possibly damaging your front number too.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “We would wish to encourage all those who use our car parking facilities to park responsibly and keep all walkways clear for everyone, especially wheelchair users, to access our hospital sites.

“Arrangements will be made to review the area pictured at St Luke’s Hospital and install appropriate signage to remind drivers to park considerately and not block walkways.”



Source: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/23615051.bradford-hospitals-message-cars-overhanging-pavements/